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Shutter the Dark ShortsShutter the Dark Shorts

God’s Love in Action

This episode examines the essence of God’s love from 1 John and 1 Corinthians, showing how it goes beyond words to require tangible acts of kindness and service. James shares examples from his life, including his work in Search and Rescue, mentoring youth, and driving the church bus, demonstrating how love can transform both faith and relationships. Join us to learn how to embody divine love in everyday actions.

Published OnMarch 12, 2025
Chapter 1

God Is Love

James Brown

Welcome to Shutter the Dark Shorts:

James Brown

You know, when I think about the phrase "God is love," it feels like more than just a statement. It’s like a key that unlocks so much about who God is and, more importantly, who we’re called to be. This isn’t just about something God does—it’s His very essence. 1 John 4:7-8 says it so clearly: love comes from God, and anyone who loves, well, they've been born of God and they know God.

James Brown

Now, that’s pretty powerful, isn’t it? It’s almost like saying, if we aren’t loving others, then, hmm, we’re kinda missing the point of this whole faith thing. Love isn’t optional; it’s not just a "nice-to-have." It’s the evidence of God working in us. It’s who He is, and by loving others, we show we belong to Him. It’s like a mirror—you look into it, and you're supposed to see that reflection of God Himself.

James Brown

Let’s take a step back though, because what does this love even look like in action? I mean, we toss the word "love" around so much that it can lose its meaning. And I guess that’s why my work in Search and Rescue has always been such a humbling teacher. I remember this one time, hiking up a trail to reach someone who’d been lost for hours. It was uncomfortable, tiring, and, if I'm honest, there were moments where I thought, why am I doing this? But, you see, love isn’t always glamorous—it’s showing up, even when it costs us something.

James Brown

That’s what agape love—God’s love—is all about. It’s active, sacrificial, and, well, it doesn’t wait around for warm and fuzzy feelings to decide it’s willing to do what’s needed. It’s about making that decision, like John said, to love because we know love is at the heart of who God is. And let me tell you, when you’re out there, meeting someone’s need in the moment they can’t meet it themselves, that’s when you start to understand. You’re not just doing something good, you’re reflecting something much, much greater than yourself.

Chapter 2

Love in Action

James Brown

So, let’s talk about what love actually looks like, ‘cause it’s not just some abstract feeling floating around. 1 Corinthians 13 gives us a really clear picture—love is patient, love is kind, it doesn’t envy, doesn’t boast, and it’s not proud. And I think it’s important, really important, that we realize these are not just traits we like to see in other people. These are actions we’re called to live out ourselves.

James Brown

Take patience, for example. How often do we rush to judge someone, even someone we care about, because they don’t act or respond the way we think they should? But patience says, slow down. Give people space to grow. I know I’ve had to learn this over and over, especially as a father and now as a grandfather. You see, love—the real kind—it waits. It doesn’t demand perfection right now; it trusts the process God’s working out in someone’s life.

James Brown

And kindness—it’s not weakness, let’s get that straight. Kindness is a strength because it means choosing to be good to someone even when they don’t deserve it. And to be honest, how many of us really deserve kindness all the time? I mean, I think back to my younger years, facing challenges and fighting battles with cancer. The kindness of others, even small, quiet acts, made this monumental difference. It reminded me I wasn’t alone.

James Brown

Now, when we talk about love not being proud or selfish, well, this can hit close to home, can’t it? It’s hard to admit when pride sneaks in. You know, those times when we kinda wanna be right more than we wanna be loving? But true love—it lets go of that need to win. It doesn’t put itself first. And that’s not easy, especially when our world teaches us the opposite. But acting in love means choosing humility, even in moments where it’s the tougher road to take.

James Brown

So, here’s the thing: love, real love, isn’t passive. It moves us to act. Whether it’s treating someone with kindness, being patient when it’s so much easier to give up, or laying down our pride for the sake of peace—love inspires us to show up in these deliberate, meaningful ways. And the best part? When we live this way, we’re not just improving relationships, we’re reflecting the very heart of God in a world that desperately needs to see it.

Chapter 3

Living as Conduits of God's Love

James Brown

And so, here we are, talking about what it really means to live out God’s love—1 John 3:16 tells us that love isn't just about saying the right words or having warm feelings. No, love requires something tangible. It asks us to lay down our own desires, our comforts even, to meet the needs of others. That’s the kind of love Jesus showed us, isn't it? The kind that moves you to act, not just speak.

James Brown

Now, let me share something from my own life that’s helped me see this in action. For over a decade, I drove the church bus every Sunday morning. You’d be surprised at how some people might see that as something small, but, you know, it wasn’t just about getting folks to the church building. It was about consistency—showing up, week after week, rain or shine, because someone needed to know they mattered enough for someone else to make the effort. That’s love right there—it’s faithful, consistent, and sometimes, it’s quietly sacrificial.

James Brown

And we can all do this in our own ways, can’t we? Maybe it’s checking in on a neighbor who feels forgotten or taking the time to really listen when someone’s sharing their struggles. These acts of kindness, or as the Bible puts it, “good works,” aren’t about grand gestures. They’re about allowing God’s love to flow through us into the lives of others. We’re not reservoirs of love; we’re conduits, meant to keep it moving.

James Brown

One thing I’ve learned is that the act itself—no matter how small or simple—has the potential to ripple out further than we realize. I think of those bus rides—kids singing or someone sharing how the service spoke to them. Those weren’t just simple mornings. They were moments where God was at work, and I got to be part of that, just by being available.

James Brown

So as we wrap up today, let’s carry this thought with us: love—real, biblical love—isn’t about perfection; it’s about participation. Ask yourself, where can you show up in someone’s life this week? How might you let God’s love shine through you in a way that meets someone else’s need? Because when we do, we’re not just doing something good; we’re living the very purpose God set out for us. And on that note, we’ll see you next time. God bless.

About the podcast

Shutter the Dark Podcast is about learning the Bible as well as the journey in growing. Sometimes life does not give us but a couple of minutes to be inspired.

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